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El software para compras de transportes excepcionales

Nuestra Empresa

Tenemos una única misión: conectar a cargadores y transportistas de todo el mundo de forma fácil y transparente.

Fundada en 2016 por el Grupo Redspher con el apoyo de Eurazeo y presente en Francia, Luxemburgo, Portugal y Estados Unidos, E4P ha alcanzado rápidamente el éxito mundial, ya opera en más de 40 países y ha sido implantada por varias empresas de todo el mundo.

With our real-time RFQ system, you can launch your request for quote in under 2 minutes and save up to 70% of your time.


Our platform allows you to compare proposals from global parcel carriers on the same screen and at the same time, simplifying the decision-making process. Additionally, our reverse bidding system enables you to benchmark suppliers and select the best possible option for your needs. With Easy4Pro RFQ, you can streamline your operations and focus on what really matters

Are you interested in working with us or would you like to know more?

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